Á¦ ¸ñ  LPehfzahVQxKlQWC
ÀÌ ¸§  full coverag ³¯ Â¥  2018-12-11 14:02 H/E   [mail][home]
Graduation: i cant stand that motherfucker Kanye West, his musics watered down shit for the massesAmerican Gangster: Im sick of fantasies and bullshit myth perpetuation by grown men who should know better. That cat the movies based on was running dope for the CIA. Jay Z is a corporate billionaire. Ice Cube is a hollywood actor who does family movie fucking garbage.Gangster? I dont think so.Lil Wayne? At least he’s a fucking freak. A misfit, an outcast, for want of a better word: an artist.
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