Á¦ ¸ñ  uhrSChQrZYoc
ÀÌ ¸§  ¬ã¬ç¬Ö¬Þ¬Ñ ¬ ³¯ Â¥  2019-03-28 09:45 H/E   [mail][home]
I don't understand the deadlines either. Here it's December 1, Georgia it's September 1....you have June 1 and October 1....why two different dates in the same state?? That's nuts. I would think it should be one day across the board for every state. But that's just me. ;) Good luck with homeschooling. I honestly wish I could homeschool. Yes, I'd be insane as well, but at least I'd know what my child was learning.
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