Á¦ ¸ñ  sJMppkxLPCBYQUThw
ÀÌ ¸§  best car ins ³¯ Â¥  2019-04-30 04:42 H/E   [mail][home]
The worst pasta I have ever read. Terribly long, boring, and filled with scenes that have no relevance to the story. I have absolutely no idea how this story was published. Not the least bit creepy, it changes its tone at the last second, unrealistic, retarted, the kid has MAJOR anger issues. It was just really bad. If you are someone looking at the comments before reading this pasta, don’t waste your time on it. It sucks!! 0/10.VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 8 votes)
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